Wedding Makeup and Hair: How Time Changes Things

Once upon a time, when Monica and I first started doing weddings, we worked together in perfect sync. We each took 30 minutes per person, which was very handy if we had to travel to the venue together. Fast forward to now, and things have changed. I'm averaging around 45 minutes to an hour per person for makeup, while Monica can do it in under 30 minutes at times.

My thinking behind this is that makeup looks and expectations have changed over the years. 30 years ago, contouring was something I'd only do for a model on a shoot. Eyebrows were a quick slick with a little hairspray or Vaseline, and I hadn't learned the longevity tricks of applying both a cream and powder blusher. It makes sense that I take longer now, doesn't it?

On the other hand, Monica has managed to speed up her techniques. She can have your entire head in hot rollers and have you in a gorgeous hair updo before you've finished your second mimosa! A wedding isn't complete unless at least one person comments on how efficient she is. Despite the gentle teasing that I'm taking longer due to my increasing age πŸ™„, I'm sticking to my story!

As for timings for everyone being done, we prefer to leave that for you all to decide before the day. The reason is that each situation is unique. We have found that often, moms, including the bride and the groom, might prefer, or be kind enough to volunteer to go first. Having their hair and makeup done gives them that "job ticked off the list" satisfaction, and it leaves them free to do other things if needed.

Then there will be certain bridesmaids who are notorious for needing a lie-in 😴, or those who have young people relying on them, so they have a more strict idea of where they can fit in their time in the hair and makeup seat. The only thing we ask of you when making the timings is to have the bride's makeup done in the middle of our time with you. We've found through experience that this works best for everyone. There are so many reasons why it's the best idea. I could write another blog on the subject!

ema johnston

Web and UX Designer specialising in Squarespace. Scotland, UK


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